From the front office to final delivery, we give personal attention to every detail!
At SailCare we believe that people are the most important part of our business. We like to run our business the old-fashioned way: on a person-to-person basis. When you have question, we’re here to answer them – and when you call SailCare you speak to a real person, not a machine! Daniel, Andrea, and the rest of the gang are always ready to talk to you about your order and answer your questions.

Inspection & Processing
The LaMauney Reconditioning Process begins with our inspection of your sails. Each sail is measured, inspected for needed repairs, and the cloth checked for deterioration from the sun.
Also important is the strength of the sewn seams. Where indicated, we will advise you if seams should be over-sewn for added strength. Authorization for repairs is necessary before we can proceed.
After sails are inspected, they are treated to SailCare’s unique LaMauney Process. This proven process returns sails to like-new condition.
If repairs or modifications are needed, our team of experts goes to work. No matter what your sails need – whether it’s reef points on a Catalina 22 main or a sunband for a Swan main, we can handle it!
Final Inspection & Delivery
Inspecting your sails as they are readied to leave the plant is just as important to us as the moment they came in the front door. We want to be sure that we did what you requested and that the result of our efforts meets our commitment to you.
We Care About Our Customers
At SailCare we get a real sense of satisfaction from doing a great job. We care about each and every customer and their sails and we do our level best to provide outstanding service every time.
Pam and Daniel are making quick repairs to a customer’s damaged furling headsail. We do repaire like this all the time and we make every effort to get the repair done and the sail back as quickly as possible. We feel certain that we can accommodate your every need, so give us a call and we will try our best to make your sail perform again!
Howard is the guy who can do it all. Repairs, modifications, re-cuts, build new, etc. Whatever you throw at him, he will make it right. He can usually figure out what has to be done to make any sail perform well once again. He also handles all electrical, mechanical, or construction issues around the shop – whatever it is, we can count on Howard to take care of it.
Pam is busy putting the finishing touches on a customer’s sail. Her knowledge of repairs and modification on sails would make you think she has done this all her life. We are lucky to have her as part of the Sail Care Team.
Jill is our loft manager and there is nothing she can’t do with a sail. Denny runs our back room and layout floor, handles shipping and receiving, sunbands, large overlays, re-cuts/re-shaping, and checks every sail that comes in.
Carol is the newest member of our team. Not only is she a talented seamstress but she keeps us all laughing with her own brand of humor. That star hanging over her head says it all, she is definitely one of our stars.
Rachel came to us out of the awning business. The way she handles that big Adler sewing machine and completes any job she is given make her a big asset to Sail Care. She and Carol keep the chatter up all day and help each other when needed.
This is Agnes, the newest member of our Sail Care team, Welcome aboard!