Lifeline Kits by Suncor Stainless

Do it yourself! Rig a lifeline in minutes!

Click here to watch a brief video about this great product!


We are no longer offering standard lifeline kits. We are still doing lifeline kits but we are putting together each one as a custom kit. This way your kit will have the correct amount of wire length and you can also have different hardware options that the standard kits did not offer.

We can build the kit from scratch from a drawing we can send to you, or you can send your old lifelines in and we can duplicate. Either way the finished kit will be priced with the same discount that the standard kits offered but this kit will be exactly what fits your boat.

Give us a call at 800-433-7245 and we can get started on putting together a lifeline kit custom-tailored to your needs!

For a Quick Attach Lifeline Kit Installation Guide, Click here

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